Friday, September 7, 2007

UK - 7 flights down, 6 to go

September 17, 2007

After spending a day in Newcastle we flew back to London for the weekend and luckily the weather was fine and sunny. As soon as we got off the tube on our way to the hotel Sam had identified a Pret-A-Manger (actually she had already worked out we had a Pret near the hotel even before arriving in London), where I had to try Sam's favourite, roast duck wrap (its pretty good)

That was the start of a weekend of catching up on our favourites......

.....asian food at Wagamamas (we were both dying for asian after being in Istanbul for the last week)

.....the thick bittersweet hot chocolate at Cafe Nero

.....Ben and Jerries icecream (Phish Food for Sam and Choc chip cookie dough for me)

Of course it wasn't all about food, we also did a bit of shopping at Covent Garden and even some sightseeing (we had to kill time somehow, the shops don't open before 12 pm on a Sunday)

We also met up with Sam's brother-in-law, sister-in-law, niece and nephew who live in London and took a boat ride down the Thames to Greenwich. And I made a new friend

And on the street corner near our hotel we found a lovely carpet shop - see you just can't get away from Istanbul (they also do carpet valuations but I don't really want to know, just in case)

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