Friday, September 7, 2007

Time to vote - which carpet do you like?

September 11, 2007
Sam and I ended up back at the Grand Bazaar today and decided I couldn't leave Istanbul without experiencing a carpet seller trying to sell us a carpet. So while looking at lamps we were approached by a carpet seller because of course when you are looking at lamps you really are after a carpet, why else would you visit the Grand Bazaar? So went went with him darting through the narrow lanes until we arrived at his shop. He was very polite and we had a glass of apple tea while they explained the process of making and the different types of carpets. So we ended up with a pile of carpets on the floor in front of us with the carpet seller asking me which one do you like, this was when we had the $2,000 silk-on-silk carpets sitting on top. Now I was more after the experience, however Warwick did mention that I should get a carpet while in Istanbul.....

So I managed to get out of the carpet shop by telling the carpet seller I would like Warwick to decide so he allowed me to take photos of the carpets. Its time to vote, which carpet do you like? I'm not going to give you the prices but they do range from $200 - $3000 AUD each.

Carpet 1

Carpet 2

Carpet 3
Carpet 4
Carpet 5

1 comment:

TA said...

Hey Sach, since you asked I like carpet number 2 though I think that my money is on number 4 being the $2000 dollar one. Since its your birthday today, you should shout yourself to a carpet....

This blog is great by the way, its pretty cool tracking your whereabouts on a day to day basis -I'm not sure on if that makes me a stalker or it means that I am super bored at the moment, I'm comfortable with either label...

Have a great rest of the trip and a great birthday.
