Friday, September 7, 2007

7 cities in 7 days

September 21, 2007

Time to leave the UK and begin our quick and nasty tour of the US, 7 cities in 7 days. Our flight from London to New York was with BA again but this time we had the new seats that lie completely flat plus better entertainment but the food was still very average.

That wasn't the highlight though, before take off the flight attendent told us to follow him and we ended up in the cockpit with the pilots. Yes they were very interested in showing us their instruments and computer screens but interupting them I asked, "Do you really take off and land the plane or does the conputer do it?" yep tactful as always - according to them they have to manually take off and land. My second question was "Do you flip a coin?". Then they went into a detailed description of which one was the chief pilot and who landed where when and the weather conditions for each landing site, blah blah blah. They also showed off the room behind them which has a single bed matress on the floor so they can sleep (at least that's what I think they were referring to ....)

Then I had another travel related toilet incident (earlier in the year I walked into the male toilet by accident at the airport, looked up and realised my mistake as I stared at a guy standing at the urinal and I think he got on the same plane as me after - very embarassing). Anyway I opened the toilet door on the airplane there was a guy inside doing up his pants. Who unlocks the door before finishing? More importantly, did he wash his hands?

Highlights from our US visit so far:

New York
Some really bad food choices, pancakes and bacon for breaky....

Followed by pepperoni pizza at 2 different places for dinner. We couldn't find the pizza place Andrew and I ate when we were here in February so we had to try somewhere else, which of course I didn't like so we had to try another, which was worse

Pizza place #1 - yes that is oil draining off of the pizza and onto the paper plate

Pizza place #2 - not as oily, more pepperoni but still not good

And the Naked Cowboy at Times Square (thats not Sam or I in the photo, neither of us were interested in getting that close to him)

Cleveland is located on Lake Erie and is known as the "Mistake by the Lake". Our Ohio sales rep, David drove past the sites between visiting customer accounts

The 2 hr drive from Cleveland to Columbus with David. Only one Starbucks stop along the way (David has a narrow therapeutic window for coffee, too little and/or too late result is headache; too much coffee result is headache). Fortunately David doesn't like Country & Western music and he even had a Black keys CD in his car

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