Friday, September 7, 2007

7 cities in 7 days (cont)

September 22, 2007
After our 2 days in Ohio we then headed to Houston via Chicago, where we caught up with Pauline who recently transferred from the UK to US office.

It was a beautiful day so we did a lot of walking around the city. Managed to get in a bit of shopping down Michigan Ave although both Sam's and my suitcases are already over the 50 pound limit.

View of Chicago from the Michigan Ave bridge....

....and me trying to take a photo of me in front of the bridge

Lake Michigan

Millenium Park


After our day of R&R in Chicago we headed to Houston, well at least I was going to Houston. The travel agent had stuffed up Sam's itinerary and had her leaving chicago on an earlier flight which of course she didn't get on cause she didn't know. Apparently if you don't show up for a flight they cancel the rest of your flights, yes our second hiccup....does bad luck really run in three's? But it ended up being all ok, Sam's was rebooked on the remaining flights with me but she had to take an economy seat for the flight from Chicago to Dallas as all the first class seats were taken (I did offer!). So I got a hot refreshing face towel before being served lunch but only ate the freshly baked chocolate chip cookie they gave us for desert, while Sam had "a beverage of your choice".

But we made it to Houston ok and Sam was still speaking to me

Houston airport, Sam checking out the map to see where our hotel was

In Houston, we stayed in a hotel/appartment one of our local support scientists recommended. It was very homely and had that country feel to it, it also didn't have any hot water! Hiccup #3? Fortunately Sam's room was fine so I ventured outside in my PJ's to her room so I could shower.

Sam waiting for our local Support Scientist to let us into the car (see hot water = happy face)....

Cold water = grumpy me (you can see our hotel in the background)

Needless to say I was ready to get back on the plane and get one city closer to going home. Next stop, San Francisco

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