Friday, September 7, 2007

Dr Dopey visits Istanbul

Brought out the suitcase (cat wasn't happy, she knows what the suitcase means), tried to pack lightly this time, kicked the cat off the suitcase, drove to airport and boarded our first flight to Sydney.

During our transfer from the domestic to international terminal at Sydney airport we caught a glimpse of George Bush's plane Airforce One, here for the APEC summit. We heard about the Chaser's incident at his Sydney hotel while at Heathrow (it was all over the news in London).

Sam and I then boarded our next flight to London for our first experience of British Airways business class. The seats were ok and we had lots of leg room but the food was pretty average (that is chicken next to the broccoli) and the service wasn't much better - our Irish flight attendent asked us not to be too demanding on her as she had had a big night and was recovering from a hang over. We also had a crazy lady upstairs with us, but I missed most of her antics as I was asleep (see Sam's blog for more details).

After arriving in London we had a few hours to kill in the first class lounge before boarding our flight to Istanbul.
Yes its a hard life traveling for work, but it really is when you travel 35 hours to get to your first destination only to find your luggage hasn't arrived with you (again) and they have no idea where it is........

1 comment:

bondop said...

Jesus how big is your suitcase - no wonder - they're waiting for the new airbus before they can fit it on the plane....only joking...

try out this website..