Friday, September 7, 2007

Dr Dopey visits Istanbul (Day 3 & 4)

September 9, 2007

Day 3 - New day, no luggage

Woke to the sound of the morning prayer call at 5:30 am. Got up had a shower, washed hair thanks to Sam donating her shampoo and conditioner and put my lovely clean work clothes on with a pair of clean socks (thanks Sam) and a pair of Sam's shoes. Spent a frustrating day working followed by a tedious dinner where we sampled some traditional Turkish food
Sam was given a tablecloth to wear - no it wasn't to cover up her pregnancy cleavage, it was cold outside

When we got back to the hotel I found my suitcase waiting for me! Yea for me!

Day 4 - New day, fresh clothes

Woke to the sound of the morning prayer call at 5:30 am. Got up, usual drill - shower, eat breakfast, go to work. On the way back to the hotel in the evening the traffic was terrible so Sam, Yoel and I decide to ditch the taxi and find our way by public transport following the directions of our Turkish speaking taxi driver, who wouldn't let me go until I could repeat to him "Fenicular, another Turkish word beginning with C or K followed by his arm motioning to go over a bridge". No problem says Yoel, who is from Isreal and therefore an expert in all things relating to the Middle East, or so we thought (it is his first visit to Istanbul).

Needless to say we had some difficulty finding the fenicular, ended up eating at a McDonalds along the way and stumbled across a long paved street mall (like Bourke St Mall) lined with shops and filled with people.

(carved watermelon)

An hour later we end up completely lost and back in a taxi to our hotel with Sam and I trying to tak pic's of the Blue Mosque while our crazy taxi driver speeds through the city darting past cars and pedestrians.

1 comment:

bigm said...

Love your blog. Great to follow you on your journey with photos. Birthday coming up. Where will you be on the 12th?