Friday, September 7, 2007

Dr Dopey visits Istanbul (Day 2)

September 8, 2007

Day 2 - New day, same clothes

Woke to the sound of the morning prayer call at 5:30 am. Got up had a shower and put my only set of casual clothes back on again, which don't feel any cleaner after being aired out overnight. Hotel room has shampoo but no conditioner so give up on the idea of washing my hair and instead decide that my hair is in fact long enough now to fit into a ponytail (not). It turns out I actually smell better than the 50 thousand Turkish men Sam and I get squashed between while on the tram from our hotel to the old part of the city, even with my lack of deoderant (packed that too).
We get off the tram at Sultanahmet, right in the heart of the old city and was amazed by the blue mosque, outside and in. Sam was sporting some "I'm 4 months pregnant cleavage" so was given a lovely aqua shawl to cover up. Fortunately I don't have that particular problem so was able to show off my 3 day old travelling clothes instead. Inside, the domed rooves of the mosque are covered in beautifully painted geometric designs and the walls with painted tiles.

After the Blue Mosque it was time to do head towards the Grand Bazaar, which is an array of narrow covered alley ways full of stalls selling carpets, glass lanterns, fabrics, gold, painted plates and tiles, and more. Didn't buy anything....yet.

After the Grand Bazaar, we got a little lost walking through the streets of the old city but ended up at the Egyptian spice bazaar, where you can buy a wide range of spices (of course), teas, different types of turkish delight, nougat, stuffed dates and for all the men out there........

.....our favourite, Naturel Turkish Viagra

Although who said Viagra was only for men (more about this later)

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