Friday, September 7, 2007

On the home stretch

September 25, 2007

San Francisco
We were pretty excited to leave Houston, and even more excited when we arrived in Dallas and found there was a Ben & Jerry's icecream shop......mmmm choc chip cookie dough icecream (ok its possible I was more excited than Sam)

Another uneventful flight (Sam in first class this time), followed by another beautiful day, a good day at work and another city skyline to add to the album

In the evening we took the cable car to Fisherman's Wharf cause you just can't go to San Francisco and not ride on the cable car

We had dinner at Boudin Sourdough place, this time we had Chilli in the bread bowl (last time I had clam chowder) with a good old sprinkling of American chedder cheese on top

Followed by, yes you guessed it, Ben & Jerry's icecream, this time decided to try another flavour, chocolate icecream with pieces of raw chocolate brownie mixture....mmmmm

Tomorrow we fly to LA and then home....

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