Friday, September 7, 2007

Back on the plane

Last morning in Istanbul and I decide to make the most of it by heading down to the old city again to the old Roman underground water system called the Basilica Cistern.

On a water related note there is a huge aquaduct in Istanbul that may or not be related to the Basilica Cistern, however there is a main road running through the arches of the aqueduct.

Instead of building the roads as wide as the arches of the aqueduct the Instanbulians (or is it Constantinopilians) have 2-3 lanes of traffic merging into 1 lane to pass under the aqueduct, which is very interesting when you are a passenger in a taxi of a crazy driver during peak hour traffic who decides to:

a) put the pedal to the metal
b) drive down the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic
c) pull over onto the tram lines which are dedicated for trams only

...will add more tomorrow morning when we actually visit the basilica cistern

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