Friday, September 7, 2007

Bye Bye Istanbul....Hello UK

September 13, 2007

So I did actually visit the Basilica Cistern this morning. Its a huge water reservoir built under the city in the 6th century to supply water to Istanbul.

The water was transported 19 km away from a forest to Istanbul via large aqueducts. The cistern is surrounded by 4 metre thick brick walls and coated with a special water-proof mortar (can you tell I copied this from the plaque inside the building?). It is pretty amazing what they could do back then though. Its no longer used for storing water for the city it but does still have a fair bit of water inside and dripping from the ceiling (you can't think about where that waters coming from or where its been, just remember to keep your mouth closed, particularly when looking up at the domed roofs). Plus there are lots of fish swimming around in the water.

There are 2 columns at the back of the cistern that have giant medusa heads at the base, one upside down and the other on its side. Apparently scientists believed they were placed that way deliberately, why would you think they weren't (dodgy slaves?) and how do you prove something like that?

On my way back to the tram I walked over the Galata Bridge that crosses the Bosphorus river to get my last view of the city. Walking along the bridge you can get a good view of the mosques.

Its times like these when your're just wandering around that you find the real gems. At the end of the bridge there's a walkway under the road that allows you to cross from one side of the street to the other without risking your life to the Istanbul traffic. The walkway is lined with shops, but not just any kind of shop.....

Yep guns and at 25 Turkish Lira (~$25 AUD) they're a real bargan. On that note it was time to get the hell out of Turkey and continue on to our next destination, Newcastle UK

...and yes my luggage did arrive this time, including the carpet.

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