Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Food Glorious Food....and Beer

The last week has been moving from airport to taxi to hotel to taxi to airport, but you've still got to eat and you've got to try the local delicacies. So here's a few those we've tried.

Andrew enjoying Germany fast food - Currywurst in Dusseldorf. Its a sausage with a lot, and I mean a lot, of tomato sauce on top sprinkled with curry powder and paprika. Pretty good but it doesn't beat a snag in bread. They do make good chips in Europe though

Andrew sampling the Dusseldorf speciality liqueur, Killepitsch. Its made from the essences of 98 herbs, berries and fruits and contains 48% alcohol. Our local rep says it has medicinal properties and is best taken in shot form after having a big night. He also said too many shots of Killepitsch may be bad for your health, its all about balance.

Andrew and I sampling the local beer in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, as recommended by Doug

We also sampled some fresh pasta in Turin, Italy which was great and I finally got an Italian hot chocolate that was exactly what I was after, thick and rich and oh so chocolatey, mmm. Plus I found some cocoa powder so can try to make it at home. I've also had pepperoni pizza and lots of Ben and Jerry's icecream and I've OD'ed on onion rings and crispy bacon. So really can't complain on the food front except my lack of self control my have impacted my waistline! All good, carb loading for the big ride in a weeks time!

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