Saturday, October 31, 2009

Survivor Hinchinbrook (Part 3)

Day 3
Day 3 saw us up at the crack of dawn and heading out of camp by 7 am, to the horror of Terrie who is not a morning person. But this was to be the longest day with 13 kms to walk, including another saddle, rocky cliffs and rock hopping around Boulder Bay. Plus at some point access to the drinkable fresh water was going to run out, the trick was picking whether the spot you were at was going to be the last.

The team heading out of Zoe Bay with Mt Bowen in the background to the left and Nina Peak centre right, which we would voluntarily climb up on Day 4

Team work

Dry creek bed....are you sure there's water ahead?

Yep, no worries, now we just need to get it, filter it, bottle it and carry it

Negotiating Boulder Bay, not far to go now

Paul and Terrie making dinner, chicken rice with pepperoni and surprise peas and corn

Macaroni cheese never tasted so good

Day 4

The last day of our walk and it was another early start as we had to meet the boat at 11:30 am and we wanted to take a detour to climb Nina Peak, which is supposed to have great views of the island. It was tough going with a very steep ascent but the views were amazing and the cool breeze felt and smelt fantastic (remember most of us had been wearing the same clothes for 4 days)

The end of the line, we made it!

What better way to finish than a beer at the pub? Just in time for happy hour

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