Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dr Dopey update

So we got back home from our campervan holiday through New Zealand still speaking to each other, cats still alive and happy to see us and the garden still going strong (thanks boobs and lubes). I lasted a day at home before washing my hair - couldn't think of a good reason not to, in fact I couldn't remember why I thought it was a good idea to begin with. This was followed by two Christmas's, New Years spent in bed sick and then back to work.

For those of you following the peas, after a great season (10 pea pods at least!) they've shriveled up and are no longer with us. But this has made room for the spring onions to shine

My lime tree has limes......

....and my frangipani has sprouted a huge zucchini!

In addition to exercising my green thimb over the Christmas break, Warwick and I purchased a Monopoly game and found out why board games and cats don't mix. Apparently Foo doesn't like being ignored and if you continue to do so, she'll make sure you can't continue

(Acknowledgement - Sam for her home grown giant zucchini prop)

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