Thursday, January 31, 2008

Aussie wines are better....

Our work put on a wining and dining function for some of our customers at one of the wineries near Santa Barbara. I came along to help set up the meeting room where we had planned to do some market research, little did we know we'd been given a celler where they incubate the wine in the oak barrels, so it was a unique venue but bloody freezing (constant 60oF)

This is one of our UK college's, Gary, who refused to look at camera's when having his photo taken as he says he gets "Demon Eye's"
What do you think?

Monica investigating the stainless fermentation vat....

....and me trying to get a ride home (to OZ!)

After getting the market research out of the way, we had a winery tour and were ready to begin tasting and drinking

Limosine Party Bus taking us back to the hotel

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