Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunny Santa Barbara

Who in their right mind would leave warm sunny Melbourne to visit the US in mid winter? But its Santa Barbara, it doesn't get cold there, no its nice and sunny.....just not when I'm there. So the Californian coast has been experiencing some severe storms over the last few days resulting in cold winds, torrential rain and boats being washed up onto the shore.
(This was taken on the second day when the rain stopped and sun came out)

Now I'm giving you a warning that this is a work trip so there is likely to be lots of stories and photo's on food. I'm saying this cause when I get home I don't want to hear anyone complaining that all I talk about is food, ok? Anyway so we had lunch at a small shack at the end of the pier in Santa Barbara and we had one of my favourites, clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl (scary eyes, I know).

Leslie and Fiona
And check out the view these crabs had.....that's got to be animal cruelty

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