Friday, June 12, 2009

Dali Likes Rhinos

Thanks to Luis having to work late, I was able to score a free ticket to the opening night of the Salvador Dali exhibition. As its sponsored by Mercedes there were some nice cars out the front and lots of stuck up people inside making educated remarks on what Dali was trying to convey on each painting, consciously and subconsciously. Apparently Dali was sexually frustrated during the early days and this is represented by the many flaccid body parts he painted, often propped up with sticks (see pic below). There were a lot of people that didn't really understand the unsaid rule of staying out of a persons personal space so there was way too much touching (more the shoving kind rather than the inappropriate kind). Anyway some of my faves from the night are below

Apparently Dali liked rhinoceroses and thought their bottoms looked exactly like a folded sunflower..... so imaginative.

Bonnie and I having our own Dali moments after the show

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