Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chocolate Fondant Rocks

Ever since seeing an episode of Masterchef Australia where they made chocolate fondant I've been dying to give it a go myself. They are like little chocolate puddings with molden chocolate inside that oozes out like lava, mmmmm. So its onto the internet to download a recipe (Gordon Ramsay, can't go wrong!) and into the kitchen. I make the mistake of mentioning it to Bonnie and the next thing I know she's invited herself and Luis around for a taste test.

So this is what they are supposed to look like:

and this is what they looked like when they came out of the oven:
(like the Fangbanger Tee?)

and this is what they looked like after turning out of the ramekin:
and this is Bonnie sampling the chocolatey goodness that is undercooked chocolate fondant

and this is what they look like when you serve them in the ramekin to support the fondant in maintaining its shape

and this is the happiness that a yummy chocolatey dessert can bring

But I am not defeted, I am determined to get it right, stay posted for future chocolate fondant attempts

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