Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chocolate Fondant Rocks

Ever since seeing an episode of Masterchef Australia where they made chocolate fondant I've been dying to give it a go myself. They are like little chocolate puddings with molden chocolate inside that oozes out like lava, mmmmm. So its onto the internet to download a recipe (Gordon Ramsay, can't go wrong!) and into the kitchen. I make the mistake of mentioning it to Bonnie and the next thing I know she's invited herself and Luis around for a taste test.

So this is what they are supposed to look like:

and this is what they looked like when they came out of the oven:
(like the Fangbanger Tee?)

and this is what they looked like after turning out of the ramekin:
and this is Bonnie sampling the chocolatey goodness that is undercooked chocolate fondant

and this is what they look like when you serve them in the ramekin to support the fondant in maintaining its shape

and this is the happiness that a yummy chocolatey dessert can bring

But I am not defeted, I am determined to get it right, stay posted for future chocolate fondant attempts

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What Recession?

Bye bye Bumblebee..... hello Batbike

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dali Likes Rhinos

Thanks to Luis having to work late, I was able to score a free ticket to the opening night of the Salvador Dali exhibition. As its sponsored by Mercedes there were some nice cars out the front and lots of stuck up people inside making educated remarks on what Dali was trying to convey on each painting, consciously and subconsciously. Apparently Dali was sexually frustrated during the early days and this is represented by the many flaccid body parts he painted, often propped up with sticks (see pic below). There were a lot of people that didn't really understand the unsaid rule of staying out of a persons personal space so there was way too much touching (more the shoving kind rather than the inappropriate kind). Anyway some of my faves from the night are below

Apparently Dali liked rhinoceroses and thought their bottoms looked exactly like a folded sunflower..... so imaginative.

Bonnie and I having our own Dali moments after the show

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dr Dopey Update

So I've been told off for not updating the blog for some time now, though there's not a lot to tell. But here's a synopsis anyway:

  • I fell in love with my Sony ebook and was devastated when it broke 3 weeks after receiving it
  • Thanks to my Aunt Lois, I've become addicted to crappy vampire fiction and have managed to read the Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse series (ebooks of course!) amongst others that are too embarrassing for a 30+ yr old woman to admit to be reading
  • I'm really looking forward to the 2nd series of TrueBlood starting next weekend (vampire series)
  • I semi-successfully completed kite surfing lessons and while it didn't quite meet my expectations (see image below) I did manage to stay on the board for 3 seconds before face planting into the water. A shark sighting not far from the beach saved me from further embarrassment

  • I've signed up for the Around the Bay in a Day, a 210 km bike ride around Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay. Its my first time and I'm a little nervous about making the distance but I've got till October to train, should be right, no worries

  • I survived a week long training course on strategic finance and once again demonstrated an uncanny ability to use poor judgement by participating in a You Tube show off
  • We've finally settled a long standing bet at work on the release date for a new product, with the winner Sam, receiving a slab of her choice. She kindly donated it to the team so after several false attempts we finally managed to get everyone together to polish it off. One of the highlights of the evening being Terrie's "landslide" jelly slice

  • I'm a bit wary about going on holiday in October, with a 4 day hike planned across Hinchinbrook Island, located off the coast of northern Queenland. I've got to carry all my gear and food and tent with the only bathing facilities being potentially croc infested waters. Plus its close to stinger season and I'll need to keep an eye out for the giant bird eating spiders when squatting in the bush. It'll be an experience

  • and finally, I'm dreaming of summer.....