Friday, June 13, 2008

Zurich, Paris & New York

View from Zurich Hotel

Countries 4 & 5 were pretty uneventful, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Our suitcases were flown into Zurich airport the next day so we only had one day wearing the same clothes and they were waiting for us at the airport ready to come with us to Paris. Late flights into Zurich and Paris along with early starts the next day means no time for exploring, just views from hotels and taxi's. Food highlights, had some great french bread and mini Pain-o-chocolat (not sure of the spelling, I find it hard enough in English let alone French) for breaky in Paris, yum.

I've decided from the last two visits to Paris that Parisian men are very gentlemanly, of course the sample size is quite low (n=2) and both have been work collegues so it may not be representative. On this latest visit, I even managed to let the sales rep open doors for me and lift my bags into the car - yes Andrew it's true I'm letting go of my stubborn ways. They tend to feel very uncomfortable if you don't let them do these things, so its best to let them feel useful.

Sarah was very kind to remind me that today is Friday the 13th, which was great given that we were flying from Paris to New York via London. On the bright side leaving the EU meant we had access again to the Airport lounges and business class seats, which is great for a 6 hr stop over at Heathrow. We also got to experience the new Heathrow Terminal 5 - its big and new and they're still having some teething problems, including not detecting a bottle of water in Sarah's carry on luggage. We also became involved in a game of human domino's after riding on an escaltor spanning 3 floors - when arriving at the top there was no room for us to get off and the people behind us panicked, rushing and pushing through the crowd of people waiting to go through security. Mind you the staff stood there watching and were pretty slow to react. After mechanical problems delayed our flight, we finally took off for New York. Arrived safely with bags, getting into our hotel at 2am. Looking forward to spending the weekend in New York before starting another hectic week of work.

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