Monday, June 30, 2008

Last stop.....Iowa

The final leg of this trip was a visit to my family in Carroll, Iowa, located about 2 hrs drive west of the Iowa State capital, Des Moines (for the Aussie's, Iowa's the next state to the west of the state that Chicago is in). I was all ready for a relaxing weekend of eating, gossiping and card playing (in that order) but my family had other plans.....

It all began well as I woke up to the smell of freshly baked carmel rolls, followed by pepperoni pizza and root beer for lunch and to top it off German Chocolate cake. A nice relaxing day out on the deck catching up on the news and a few family pics.

Dr Dopey with Grandpa Dopey......

Grandma Dopey........

Dopey cousin Andy.....

and Dopey Aunts Linda and Lois

In the evening my Uncle Dink (on the right below) hosted a BBQ dinner around the bonfire. Perfect, right?

Dopey Uncles
Dopey Aunt Joan with the latest addition to the Dopey family, Olivia

Dopey Grand and Great Grand Kids

Dopey Cow

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