Saturday, June 14, 2008

New York City

NYC is in the middle of a heat wave and we experienced part of it today. It was hot and muggy and we started our free weekend by catching the subway downtown to where the Ferry leaves for the Statue of Liberty (in the photo above you can just pick out the Statue to the right of my head and Ellis Island further right). After buying our tickets we realised the queue was way too long so we decided to give it a miss for the time being and catch the free Staten Island Ferry, which also has views of the Statue and the Manhattan skyline. Though it was pretty hazy so not the best view.

After catching the ferry we walked up to Ground Zero to see how the clean up was going. Looks like they've started building on the site now, though there is still a big hole in the ground.

Ended up spending the rest of the day walking up to our hotel near Times Square, doing a bit of shopping along the way. The weather turned on us half way there with severe thunderstorms and torrential rain so I got completely saturated. We managed to get to Macy's along with about half of New York and did a bit more shopping and then found a Ben & Jerry's icecream shop inside so had to indulge on some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough icecream, mmmm yum. Basically ran the last few blocks to our hotel to try an escape the rain, got changed and dried off, then headed out in search of the elusive pizza place that Andrew and I found on a previous trip to NYC. Managed to find it, yea Pronto Pizza, cnr Broadway and 36th St, and had a slice of my fave, Pepperoni.

Then it started raining again so our plans to see Time Square at night were squashed and I got drenched again. Not many dry clothes left, hoping the weather clears tomorrow.

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