Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Warwick Can Cook

Its well know around our place that Warwick can make a mean scone, well we can now add Beef & Guinness Pie to his (short) list of gastronomic fare. I gave him a Jamie Oliver cookbook and a pie dish for Christmas after Warwick was oooing and ahhhing while watching J.O. make the pie on tv. Not sure if he was too impressed with this present as Warwick doesn't really consider cooking to be a hobby of his. But this was the second time Warwick has made the pie and it was great again.

Warwick carefully removing the pie from the oven and obviously very proud of the final result

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 08 (cont)

Easter Sunday, March 23
Bonnie and I visited our mum in Chelsea on Sunday, partially to catch up with her but also to see the two Spoodles (cross btw Spaniel and Poodle) her and John were dogsitting over the Easter long weekend.

Sam and Eddie the Spoodles

(Thats food dye on Bonnie's head, not blood - she'd spent the day at the Hindu festival, Holi, where people throw coloured powder and water at each other)

The End

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter 08

Pretty Good Thursday, March 20
Easter this year began for me on 'Pretty Good Thursday' (the day before Good Friday) with an Easter Egg Hunt at work organised by me, as I thought we all deserved a bit of fun before breaking up for the 4 day long weekend. Now it may be that I was more excited by the thought of running around the office searching for hidden chocolate than the majority of my male engineering collegues but they unfortunately did not have a choice. Fortunately for me the marketing group was also invited and they were far more enthusiastic (ie they actually brought in eggs) and were very creative in their choice of hiding places. Anyway I achieved what I wanted from the excercise, ending up with a healthy stash of chocky eggs, yum

Good Friday, March 21
Sleeping, eating, lots of tv watching (crap weather, shops closed)

Easter Saturday, March 22
The sun came out again so Bonnie and I hopped on the motorbikes and headed to Daddy Dopey's place for lunch
Daddy Dopey's house

Daddy, Bonnie & Dr Dopey

Daddy Dopey showing off his belly balancing skills

Elaine working hard in her studio

Daddy Dopey showing off his new car
Bonnie showing off her bike

Dr Dopey showing off her bike

Monday, March 10, 2008

What would you look like......if you were a South Park character

This is Warwick's attempt at me....and himself

Labour Day at the Coupers

Today we celebrated Labour Day, to remember those who stood up for the 8 hour work day way back in 1856. So I left the laptop at work and hit the road to catch up with Sam and her new baby girl Isabella. For those of you who remember, Sam and I travelled for 3 weeks last September on a whirlwind, round-the-world trip for work, while she was 4.5 months pregnant.

Now for those of you who know Dr Dopey, you'll know she's not too good with babies but fortunately for me (and Isabella) we were not put in a situation where this needed to be tested. Instead I was saved by their 3 yr old son Hamish who had received a new train set for his 3rd birthday and I was more than happy to help out.

(Hamish got into trouble for poking his tongue out.....and I'm probably going to be in trouble for putting it on the blog)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Green Thumb Update

So after getting an earful from my father-in-law, Wally, about not having any flowering plants (apparently the lime tree doesn't count) my last visit to the nursery resulted in a few new purchases, all of which have the potential to flower. These include:
  • Frangipani plant, which came with a beautiful picture of the flowers, but not flowered yet
  • Jasmine creeper that I'm training up to the bracken screen we have on the balcony (see it on the left, behind the frangipani? No flowers though)
  • Camilla that I'm training along a lattice and actually does have buds!

I also bought a frangipani for my desk at work, it was doing great while I was away, the guys watered it as promised but when I returned it gradually went down hill so now all that's left is the stem...I have faith it will come back though