Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tongariro National Park

After surviving the cold night we realised we didn’t have the right gear to take the ski chair lift up to the top of snow covered Mount Ruapehu and so decided to continue our drive towards the southern tip of the North Island. The drive out of Tongaririo National Park had great views of the snow capped Mount Ruaphu, through beautiful rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cows.

Mount Ruapehu

I think this is Mount Tangariro

The small towns along the way seem to be competing for all things “giant” like the giant gumboot in Taihape (“Taihape....halfway to everywhere” – does that mean it’s in the middle of nowhere?) and the giant cookie plane, which was actually a life sized propeller plane painted all over with choc chip cookies. We also passed some interesting sights like the billboard saying ‘Peach teats – calves love ‘em”

Taihape giant gumboot

We stopped at a beachside resort about 30 min north of Wellington and decided to bring our ferry crossing over to the south island forward a day, so we sail tomorrow.

Warwick having fun at the caravan park

Hair update – Warwicks hair looks and feels normal, I've got the 80's wet look gel look going on.

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