Saturday, November 3, 2007

How many PhDs does it take to hang a carpet?

Finally managed to drag Warwick out to his favourite place (not), Bunnings, to get the stuff to hang the Turkish carpet. Warwick was in charge of the power tools while I was responsible for making sure it was hung straight in line with the ceiling. However these things never go as planned as there was one thing neither of us had thought about.
After marking where the hooks should go according to my expert eye, drilling in the rubber wall hook thingys, screwing the hooks into the rubber thingys and threading the carpet on we both took a step back to take in our handywork. Initially I copped the blame "I thought you said it was straight!" but it turned out one side was longer the other which of course was still my fault as I'd bought the carpet in the first place. After some skillful use of safety pins and strategic placement of the upper fringe we managed to get it looking a little better.

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