Saturday, November 24, 2007

NZ Challenge

Warwick and I driving around NZ in a campervan for 3 weeks, sounds like fun? We'll see. We've got a challenging journey ahead, approx 2,500 km across both islands from Auckland in the North to Queenstown in the South. Warwicks only requirements, Rotorua, Fox glacier and bungy jumping; me, everything! I've set myself an additional challenge, not to wash my hair for the trip as apparently if you don't shampoo for 4-6 weeks it will magically return to its natural beauty. I first read about this in a magazine at a hair salon and thought it would be great to never have to wash your hair again. Further research confirmed that it is possible (source - Internet and Wokka) although there are reports that it dosen't work well for fine hair, which is of course is what I have. Warwick's not too keen on this idea though and will be carrying emergency supplies of shampoo and conditioner, just in case. But I am determined to reach my full potential in the natural beauty stakes, you've got to make the most of whatever little you have, right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

3 weeks without shampoo. I understand now why Warwick wants definitively make a bungy jumping !

