Friday, May 21, 2010

Images of the Middle East

Abu Dhabi (UAE) – By air it looks like a flat, desolate place and entirely covered with sand though it appears some plant life can exist

Abu Dhabi Airport – Striking on the inside with its curved walls covered with colourful tiles arranged into a geometric pattern. It can be disorientating for weary travellers who may feel as though they’ve walked into a cross between an upside down swimming pool and a Las Vegas Casino

Gulf of Aquaba – Israel to the North, Jordan to the North East, Saudi Arabia to the East, Egypt to the West and the Red Sea to the South

Mountainous interior of Egypt’s largely uninhabited Sinai Peninsula

The Nile with Cairo in the background (view from hotel room)

Will attempt to post more exciting photos tomorrow assuming Warwick wakes from his jet lag/economy class syndrome slumber

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