Sunday, December 27, 2009

Xmas 09

Christmas Eve
This year Christmas was at our place and we decided to try a traditional lunch with ham, turkey and all the fixings. Warwick's not bad cooking up some bacon so he was confident a glazed ham was in him. Plus a few weeks before I successfully pulled off a roast chicken for the first time so I knew I was ready to handle the big bird

Warwick applying the balsamic-honey glaze to the ham and the final product below. A pre-Christmas taste test confirmed it was good enough to eat

Dr Dopey preparing the turkey before applying a thick layer of herbed butter between the skin and breast meat

Christmas Day

The big day and the weather didn't end up being too bad after all. I was up at the crack of dawn to get the final touches to the turkey done and then its into the oven for about 3-4 hrs.

Warwick's parents, Liz and Wal, and my mum and John, enjoying a pre-lunch drink

The final result - turkey, stuffing and potatoes roasted with chorizo. Yum, yum, yum. Have to take a the platter slightly, thats good......whats that warm liquid running down my leg? Yes a waterfall of turkey and chorizo juices running down my dress, along my leg onto the floor. Never mind, pop the dress into the washing machine, it'll be as good as new, except that someone (me) forgot to check for tissues in the other clothes added to the wash. It wouldn't be Christmas if something didn't go wrong.

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