Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas at Voula's

Our yearly company Christmas party was another casualty of the global economic crisis so Voula took upon herself to organise a replacement do at her new place. She had bore the brunt of many jokes from us inner city snobs as we tried to work out the best way to get Voula's, located in Point Cook (known by the locals as PC) about 30 kms to the west of Melbourne. After much discussion we decided to take the train to experience the untamed west first hand and it didn't disappoint.

Kristen, Andrew, Dr Dopey and Paul on the train to PC. It was at this point in the journey that the train stopped in the middle of no where and powered down. Paul, becomming more and more agitated with this unscheduled stop, decided to test whether the train doors do actually open when the power is turned off and yes they do

But the boredom was soon relieved by the power coming back on and the conductor saying over the load speaker: "Sorry for the delay but there was a drop kick on the roof trying to train surf. Some people just need to get a life". The rest of the trip was uneventful and we made it to Voula's in one piece.

Cricket in the backyard with Sam's kids Hamish and Bella

Voula showing off her vegie patch and kitchen

Like all good Christmas parties there was lots of great food, presents (many of them revolving around the Twilight saga).....

Allison looking very happy with her New Moon poster (above) and yes that is a fake smile on Andrew's face (below) though his wife Kristen was thrilled

The evening finished off with an attempt at the Twilight board game, which only lasted for 5 min when we realised it was targeted at the types of 12 year old girls that like to compare there favourite colours with that of Edward the vampire. Followed by a not-so-friendly lego competition between the engineers in the group, Andrew and Paul.

Paul (above) with a distinct disadvantage having to work solo was beaten by the dynamic duo, Hamish and Andrew (below)

Bella, Sam and Voula.....bed time

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