Saturday, September 26, 2009

Around the World in 18 Days (Part 1)

Another work trip but there's always time to sample the local cuisine and do a bit of sightseeing. First stop, sunny Scotland....not. Wokka (work colleague and travelling companion) and I had preplanned to spend our afternoon off driving around the Scotish countryside in search of the Falkirk Wheel, the worlds only rotating canal boat lift. It functions to connect 2 different canals that are at different elevations by lifting boats from one to another. Also it only requires the same amount of power to run as boiling 7 electric kettles.
The Falkirk Wheel in its stationary position with a canal boat (blue) moving into the bottom gondola. When its ready to lift, the gates close keeping water in the gondola and it starts to rotate around (images below)

Pretty impressive but is it worth the £17.5M spent to develop it?

We also drove to Loch Lomand and stumbled across some highland cows and discovered a new taste sensation at one the country pubs

Aberdeen Angus beef burger with onion rings - yes they are eaten in the burger and it tasted great!

Next stop, Amsterdam

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