Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Images of America

Frozen fields on the Dopheide family farm

Dopheide cows (fake and real)

Wind turbines in Carroll

Spending quality time with the family

Ever wonder what a cactus looks like on the inside, no? Me either, but when I stumbled up this one I was fascinated. Its made up of a whole lot of tubes running up along the body and arms of the cactus.

Food, food, food

Mini burgers - Beef brisket on left (that's for you Doug) and normal Cheeseburger on right.

"Steamers" - steamed clams, apparently a New England delicacy (below).

Our local sales rep Rob (above) demonstating the preparation process required before eating: remove clam from shell, pinch at white body with left hand and roll brown skin off of the neck with the right hand (like taking off a condom) - see that brown snot-like stuff dangling from his hands. Then eat, delicious? You've got to be kidding me!

Rob made up for the clams by taking us to Mike's in Boston's Italian district for cannoli and marzipan fruits. Can you spot the marzipan hot dogs?

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