Monday, December 10, 2007


Following our Queenstown experience we headed to Fiordland as I was keen to go kayaking on Milford Sound. The drive through the Fiordland National Park was beautiful with steep rugged mountains and deep valleys.
Milford Sound drive

This part of NZ is also known for its rain and it didn’t disappoint, it was raining when we got there, all through the night and into the following morning. Apparently it had been pretty dry before we arrived and they were expecting 300 mm in 24 hrs – I think they got it and we experienced it. So no kayaking for us.

Warwick making the most of Milford Sound

On the drive back to Queenstown we passed through Athol, nothing of interest except that it kept Warwick amused. One quote from Warwick was:“Warwick went right through Athol, it must have been the baked beans from last night.”
Moby enjoying the view on the drive back to Queenstown

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