Saturday, August 1, 2009


Its very difficult to ignore the fact that "40" is just around the corner when you start getting invites to 40th birthday bashes. This weekend was the second in as many weeks with an ex work collegue Jeanie celebrating the big four-O. Hers was to be held in Sorrento, a seaside town located on the Mornington Peninsula about 100 km from Melbourne. Sorrento just happens to be on the Around the Bay in a Day bike ride which I've signed up for later this year. So what a great idea, why not ride the 100 km down to Sorrento to train for the ride and then party?
The ride from Melbourne to Sorrento in purple above and the profile below showing those great hills between Frankston and Dromana

Quick stop off along the way at Mum's place in Chelsea (36 km mark). This agave plant had a massive sead head growing out from it

I had intended to take photo's along the way but I was stuffed after tackling the 20 kms of hills between Frankston and Dramana. It took every last bit of physical and mental effort to make it to Sorrento. I have no idea how I'm going to complete the whole ride in October which is twice the distance. But enough whinging, it was time to party....

The birthday girl after a few (above) too many (below) drinks

We also managed to get in a bit of sightseeing at the beach

All that was left was the ride back home......

1 comment:

Voula said...

Point Cook Rules!