Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dr Dopey turns 36

Today was the day I was dreading, the move from 35 to 36, which means I can no longer round down to 30 but have the slippery slope to 40 to look forward to. Its been a few years since I've been home for my birthday so this was the year to make up for all those birthdays missed. All was going to plan, woke up got ready for the ride to work, left late due to 1x cat vomit and 3x cat litter tray clean up. Rode to work with my fellow birthday buddy Wokka (turning 30) and another 30+ engineer, Spence. Home made carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for morning tea with candles but thankfully no Happy Birthday singing (have you ever heard engineers sing?). Followed by a BBQ lunch, yum!

Dr Dopey and Wokka cutting the birthday cake (above) and me enjoying a slice below

Voula preparing the onions and Wokka manning the BBQ, yes that is a lab coat, can't get sausage fat on the Tour de France T-shirt!

The BBQ was a huge success until one of the engineers left the door open and set off the fire alarm. Dilemma - evacuate the building with our colleagues to the official meeting area or finish off the sausages while still hot. Decision - continue eating until the last minute (ie sighting of the firemen in the building). 2x fire trucks, 8x firemen and a $2,500 bill, whose budget is that coming out of?

Here are some interesting facts about the number 36:
  • 36 is the sum of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
  • The B-36 (nick named Peacemaker) was a strategic bomber and the first to have intercontinental range
  • 36 is the number of degrees in the angle of all 5 tips in a perfect star
  • There are 36 inches in a yard and 36 Barleycorns in an English foot
  • The US won 36 gold medals in the recent Olympics and the 36th placed country was Mexico
  • 666 is the sum of all numbers from 1 through 36
  • 36 is the atomic number for krypton

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