Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The streets of Philadelphia

So my first visit to Philly and I all I saw was the airport, hotel and the view from the taxi between both so I didn't bother taking any photo's not even of food (above photo courtesy of Google Images). So to sum up my Philly experience:

  • Looks like a big city with lots of sports stadiums
  • The Sheraton is a crappy hotel with no heating in the middle of winter
  • The one morning I wake up early enough to go to the gym, the only piece of equipment free was an "Out of order" treadmill (the conference held there was for pathologists and radiologists - who would have thought, some of them actually do practice what they preach)
  • One of the airport business lounge staff sneezed and exclaimed "Oh, airborne!"
  • The airport is dead and the duty free shop is small, only offering booze and smokes. There are a couple of overpriced chocolate boxes and I could really do with some real choc, but whose going to pay $40?
  • There are lots of Dunkin Donuts places in Boston but I was good and didn't have any, not even a hot choc (there's hot choc here in the lounge, maybe I'll have some and some Oreo's - that might hit the choc craving)
  • A guy sat opposite me in the business lounge and asked me to look after his stuff before walking out of the lounge. Now should I be suspicious or not, I'm thinking I was the stupid person who agreed to look after the bomb while the terrorist walks to a safe distance before triggering it.

Do I always sound negative, maybe I should work on that. At least I can sit in the lounge and have a bite to eat and a drink, so maybe I shouldn't complain. Maybe its the fact that I'm writing this while waiting 6 hrs for my flight to London which was delayed, not sure why, I dont think its the weather, it was almost balmy here today, with a top in the mid teen's, the warmest Feb day since 1886 - even I felt warm, which is saying something.

PS:- my new suitcase has been fantastic - I haven't lost my luggage once yet (touch (fake) wood)

PPS:- The hot choc wasn't worth it, I had a sip and then went back for a green tea - but what do you do with a left over cup of hot choc? The Oreos were pretty good though

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