Friday, December 26, 2008

Xmas 2008

This year Christmas Day lunch was at our place and fortunately the rain had stopped just in time giving us a beautiful sunny summer day. Once again we had too much food but thats ok, its Christmas

Instead of buying everyone presents we decided to have a Kris Kringle, where each person buys a present for one person only, much easier on the pocket and brain

Mum and John
Bonnie and Luis
Liz and Wal

Finished off the day with a walk through the Carlton Gardens, a feeble attempt to burn off some of those Christmas calories
Merry Christmas to all

Monday, December 8, 2008

Great Vic Bike Ride

The time had finally arrived for Bonnie and I to take on the Great Victorian Bike Ride. It was our first attempt at the 600 km ride with this years route looping through country Victoria, beginning (and ending) at the old gold mining town of Ballarat. Both of us were really looking forward to it though a little unsure what was in store.......

The beginning. Happy faces, excited to get going.

The Accomodation
4000+ riders crammed into football ovals, racecourses, school grounds, etc. City chicks quickly learn it gets bloody cold at night in the country and the importance of finding a good camp spot (ie not downwind of a chronic farter). Be prepared for rude awakening at 5:30 am as fellow campers wake up at sunrise to start packing up tents and getting ready for the ride ahead. Do not expect nice sleep in and leisurely breakfast, instead its a race to see who can leave camp first.

The Food

Early morning breaky (snoozing riders miss out on goodies at breakfast - choc chip muffins, danishes, bananas, etc)

Lunch on the road

Snacks in the tent

The Countryside

Lots of wheat fields (Grampians in the background)

Rest Day at the Grampians - Pinnacle walk

The effects of the drought:

Lake Corangamite - lack of water + no vegetation + strong winds = erosion

Lake Bolac: what it used to be (sign on left) and what it is now (brown dirt in background)

Sheep shearing display Rokewood


Making it to the Grampians - rest day ahead (Day 5)

500 km mark (Day 8)

Finish line (Day 9)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Melbourne Cup Weekend

With only 4 weeks to go until the Great Victorian Bike Ride, we thought we should try to ramp up the training this weekend with a new ride for us across to the Western side of the bay. To get across the other side of the bay we took the little red punt which travels under the Westgate bridge. We got as far as Altona before Bonnie started to get scared of the locals.

Westgate bridge with the punt and the city in the background (above) and Newport (below)

Yep, always up for making a fool of myself in front of strangers

(I'm trying to hold the bridge up, not a bad attempt I thought. Warwick didn't get it so I thought I should spell it out!)

What better way to finish off a ride than with icecream?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Great Australian Road Trip

Its been a long year so it was time for us to take some time off and hit the road in the spacious, speedy Barina. Its fair to say not a lot of planning went into this trip: leave approved, car serviced, cat minder in place, what more do you need? It was good timing too as Warwick had just found out he was successful in getting both his grants and managed to get a paper sumitted just in time.

So we packed our bathers, shorts and T-shirts and set off in the Barina with the mountain bikes on the back, heading east for the NSW coast. Our first stop was Lakes Entrance, which was more of a stop over, as we continued on along the Victorian coast and into NSW the next day. There was no sign indicating we'd crossed the border and the first we realised we had was the lack of TAC signs warning of the dangers of driving while tired:
  • Drowsy drivers die
  • A 15 min powernap could save your life
  • A microsleep can kill
  • Yawning kills
So the initial plan was to stop in Merimbula, which neither of us had been to. And we spent about 10 min in Merimbula before deciding to continue up the coast (not impressed). Instead we stopped at the small seaside town of Tathra. Now there are definate advantages staying in smaller towns as you don't get all the crap associated with the more traditional tourist places (ie Lakes Entrance, Merimbula) plus we also saw an Echidna crossing the main street of town, a real highlight for me anyway (they are pretty funny trying to crawl up the curb). But I would not recommend staying in a small town like Tathra on a Monday night as you may find the only place open for a meal is the Pub and it might be the one week of the past 20 years that the kitchen is closed for remodeling and so you may end up at the General Store trying to select food that only requires hot water to be cooked. So while sitting in front of the tv slurping 2 min noodles we had both come to the same conclusion.....this was not the holiday we were after.

So we decided our initial plan was crap, jumped into the Barina and headed back down the coast. We'd previously passed through Lake Tyres and thought it would be a good place to stay so we hired a beach house there for a week.

Lake Tyres is far enough off the main track to be away from the tourists, only having a cafe and general store, but close enough to Lakes Entrance so we'd never be stranded for food. The beach house was great with ocean views and lots of birdlife in the backyard to keep us entertained, including galahs, rainbow lorikeets, rosellas, cockys, kookaburras and the occasional pelican flying by. While the water was way too cold for swimming we managed a few walks along the beach and even had a seal follow us along in the water one day, playing in the waves. We found a few bike tracks and quiet dirt roads to go riding on which meandered around the hills and ended up at various inlets of the lake.

Warwick walking along Lake Tyres beach (above) and checking out the water temp (below)
Some shots from our bike rides around Lake Tyres:

You see some interesting things in the country, including a pedal powered lawn mower
Apparently oil was first found in Australia at Lake Bunga (not far from Lake Tyres)
And one for the Sam's out there

Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby on the way

Our two little love birds have been busy at it and after a winter of pooing all over our balcony I found a little egg in the middle of one of my hanging baskets while out watering. Our cat Foo is obviously more observant as she's been glued to the window the past few days.

Foo keeping an eye on things outside or more accurately mum-to-be (below)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post Birthday Hangover

How do you get from this...... this?

This was half of the problem:

I received a beautiful bunch of yellow tulips with a sweet honey-butter smell for my birthday from my friend Sascha. Little did I know our cat Oscar was going to take a liking to the ribbon and decide it was a tasty treat. He managed to throw-up half of the ribbon but the next day it was clear there was more going on inside the little guy. Blood tests, an enima and 2 X-rays later, little Oscar was heading to exploratory gut surgery where the remaining half of the ribbon was found lodged in his stomach and extending down into his intestine, causing lots of trouble. Fortunately we got there before major damage to Oscar but not the credit card - $2000 worth of Vet bills. A very expensive birthday present.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dr Dopey turns 36

Today was the day I was dreading, the move from 35 to 36, which means I can no longer round down to 30 but have the slippery slope to 40 to look forward to. Its been a few years since I've been home for my birthday so this was the year to make up for all those birthdays missed. All was going to plan, woke up got ready for the ride to work, left late due to 1x cat vomit and 3x cat litter tray clean up. Rode to work with my fellow birthday buddy Wokka (turning 30) and another 30+ engineer, Spence. Home made carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for morning tea with candles but thankfully no Happy Birthday singing (have you ever heard engineers sing?). Followed by a BBQ lunch, yum!

Dr Dopey and Wokka cutting the birthday cake (above) and me enjoying a slice below

Voula preparing the onions and Wokka manning the BBQ, yes that is a lab coat, can't get sausage fat on the Tour de France T-shirt!

The BBQ was a huge success until one of the engineers left the door open and set off the fire alarm. Dilemma - evacuate the building with our colleagues to the official meeting area or finish off the sausages while still hot. Decision - continue eating until the last minute (ie sighting of the firemen in the building). 2x fire trucks, 8x firemen and a $2,500 bill, whose budget is that coming out of?

Here are some interesting facts about the number 36:
  • 36 is the sum of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
  • The B-36 (nick named Peacemaker) was a strategic bomber and the first to have intercontinental range
  • 36 is the number of degrees in the angle of all 5 tips in a perfect star
  • There are 36 inches in a yard and 36 Barleycorns in an English foot
  • The US won 36 gold medals in the recent Olympics and the 36th placed country was Mexico
  • 666 is the sum of all numbers from 1 through 36
  • 36 is the atomic number for krypton