Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Spring arrives early in Melbourne

How do you know its Spring in Melbourne.....

1. The Magnolia, Cherry tree and wattles have blossomed

2. Snow drops have sprung up

3. Its day light when I leave work and still light after I ride home (ok it would have looked lighter if I hadn't stopped to take all these photo's)

4. You look at the traffic on the Monash 'carpark' while riding home and realise your not the loser afterall

On a related note, Terrie, Warwick agrees that the white birds are ducks (not geese) but this black one is definately a swan

5. Andrew and Eddie can no longer use the weather as an excuse not to ride to work. Some examples are:

  • I've pulled a stomach muscle

  • My wife is sick and I need to take care of her (a likely story)

  • I took my laptop home and its too heavy to carry into work

(feel free to make suggestions on other excuses Andrew and Eddie can use, I'll pass them on)

6. The winter jumper I've been working on is finished just in time for summer, well almost finished......

Opps sorry Voula, how did that photo get there?

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