Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings

2010: It was supposed to be a time of new beginnings, new year, new decade and new job to go to. That's what having unrealistic expectations will do to you.

#1 New Job - New job is in a new office with no internet, phones or MS office on new computers. Apart from that its great

#2 New job is much closer to home therefore can ride to work everyday - While riding home on New Job Day 3 a woman opens her car door on me resulting in me landing on the road. Fortunately the car travelling next to me was able to stop in time so as not to run over me. Unfortunately I am unable to get off the road partially due to shock, partially due to the pain in my left knee. Discover differences in the behaviour and motivation of the human species, for example woman in car unable to take me to the hospital as she has dinner plans, in contrast, innocent bystander helps me off the road, offers to take me to the hospital and suggests that this may be a police matter. Woman in car subsequently cancels dinner plans to take me to the hospital.

Brusing on my arm caused by accident with car. Much of my left hip, thigh and knee is covered in similar colours but there are some things that shouldn't be published on the internet

#3 Riding to work everyday means using the car less - Discover on the morning of New Job Day 5 that car has been side swiped by a removal van, damaging the drivers side door and panels and leaving the front of the car on the ground. On the positive side, the offender did leave a note with their contact details.

So its Sunday night, my bike is in the shop for repairs, my car is booked in to get fixed and I can now walk pretty well, though stairs are a challenge. But I wonder, what will next week bring?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hoo Hoo Happy Birthday Bonnie

I picked up a great cupcake decorating book from the US and I've flicked through it several times wishing I had the time to give one of the designs a try. With Bonnie's birthday smack bang in the middle of the Christmas break there were no more excuses, so I picked the easiest one and gave it a go