Sunday, November 8, 2009

Potato's taste like potato's

With a balcony, your kind of limited in what produce you can grow but I'll give almost anything a go. A few months ago Samantha suggested potato's and I started out by planting some of your normal everyday buy at the supermarket variety. Sam's husband then gave me some real planting potato's which I then added to the pot. They all sprouted and grew really quickly and I thought I was on a winner. But recently the plants started to wilt and haven't looked so good. I thought maybe I'd put too many plants in together so today I pulled out one of the sader looking ones out (the dead looking one lying on the tiles at the bottom of the photo).

But that plant actually had reasonably sized potato's at the end of it. I was surprised and very excited.

And how do they taste? Just like potato's, the only difference being they have a very thin skin but they're edible, I hope.