Saturday, February 14, 2009

Beef Brisket Bonanza

Doug's been raving about Beef Brisket for as long as I can remember - all the rest of us could do is say well show us! After several appointments with his local butcher reviewing American beef cut charts and viewing cow carcasses Doug was finally able to get a cut of meat that was close to the brisket (though according to Doug not exactly right). This weekend he cooked it up with all the fixin's, including biscuits, beans, macaroni cheese and bomb shelter slop (I think thats what its called). Picking Valentines Day for the grand revealing probably wasn't the best idea but the unromantic of us came along for a sampling of southern cooking Doug style.

Doug with his slow cooked brisket (12 hrs on the Weber)

Brisket with all the fixin's (bomb shelter slop at 3 o'clock)

Voula chowing down on some mac cheese (above) and her home made pumpkin pies for desert (below)