Friday, December 26, 2008

Xmas 2008

This year Christmas Day lunch was at our place and fortunately the rain had stopped just in time giving us a beautiful sunny summer day. Once again we had too much food but thats ok, its Christmas

Instead of buying everyone presents we decided to have a Kris Kringle, where each person buys a present for one person only, much easier on the pocket and brain

Mum and John
Bonnie and Luis
Liz and Wal

Finished off the day with a walk through the Carlton Gardens, a feeble attempt to burn off some of those Christmas calories
Merry Christmas to all

Monday, December 8, 2008

Great Vic Bike Ride

The time had finally arrived for Bonnie and I to take on the Great Victorian Bike Ride. It was our first attempt at the 600 km ride with this years route looping through country Victoria, beginning (and ending) at the old gold mining town of Ballarat. Both of us were really looking forward to it though a little unsure what was in store.......

The beginning. Happy faces, excited to get going.

The Accomodation
4000+ riders crammed into football ovals, racecourses, school grounds, etc. City chicks quickly learn it gets bloody cold at night in the country and the importance of finding a good camp spot (ie not downwind of a chronic farter). Be prepared for rude awakening at 5:30 am as fellow campers wake up at sunrise to start packing up tents and getting ready for the ride ahead. Do not expect nice sleep in and leisurely breakfast, instead its a race to see who can leave camp first.

The Food

Early morning breaky (snoozing riders miss out on goodies at breakfast - choc chip muffins, danishes, bananas, etc)

Lunch on the road

Snacks in the tent

The Countryside

Lots of wheat fields (Grampians in the background)

Rest Day at the Grampians - Pinnacle walk

The effects of the drought:

Lake Corangamite - lack of water + no vegetation + strong winds = erosion

Lake Bolac: what it used to be (sign on left) and what it is now (brown dirt in background)

Sheep shearing display Rokewood


Making it to the Grampians - rest day ahead (Day 5)

500 km mark (Day 8)

Finish line (Day 9)