Friday, August 29, 2008

Dr Dopey Update

Not much to report over the last few weeks. We've had a colder, wetter Winter compared to last year and I'm hoping it will come to an end soon. Been cold on the motorbike and bicycle but the days are slowly getting longer, brighter and a little warmer. My plants are starting to come back to life too, and I finally have flowers on my peas, which is a little late given they are supposed to be a winter vegetable - we'll see how many we end up getting. Mum gave me some tulip bulbs also and I've been eagerly watching them sprout and finally they flowered this week.

Above, my giant pea plants, which have been growing like crazy but still no peas! Flowers spotted this week so finger crossed we'll have some vege's soon. Broccoli in the pots on the ground. Tulips below.

No more work trips planned for this year, which means I can actually plan some holiday time. Warwick and I are thinking of driving up the east coast of Australia (in the car, not ready to venture back into a caravan just yet) in October for 2-3 weeks, we're waiting for the weather to warm up a little so we can get some surf action and maybe a little diving on the side. Bonnie and I are booked in to do the Great Victorian Bike Ride at the end of November so we are both in training for that, though I've had to take it easy the past week due to an ankle injury. Really looking forward to it - 9 days of riding over ~600 km, starting at Ballarat, through the Grampians National Park and ending back at Ballarat. We've also been preparing for a visit by some of our family from Iowa in Jan next year with flights booked for a quick trip up to Sydney.

Well that's about it from here, hope you are all well
Love, Dr Dopey