Sunday, July 20, 2008

Daddy Dopey turns 60

Dr Dopey's Daddy celebrated his 60th birthday today with a party at his place. There was food and balloons and presents and a cake custom made by the Dopey Sisters

The night finished up with a killer game of pool which I think the Birthday Boy was expecting to win except he got knocked out in the first round by Elaine.

Immense concentration as Daddy Dopey focuses on his next move and his pool partner, Belle in disbelief as he misses once again. Elaine, the victor, showing off her stuff while her son Michael watches on in awe of the grand master.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bowling Baby, Bowling

After several unsuccessful attempts Voula was finally able to get her work buddies out of the office and out on the town for a few games of friendly disco bowling (previous suggestions of Latin dancing had already been rejected).

There were some interesting bowling techniques

...and constructive comments from the side lines

The dark horse of the competition, sorry friendly match, was Simon (on the left below) who showed remarkable talent at the beginning of the first game and continued to impress throughout the second.

And the final scores? Cant see them, what a shame.